Inline span style: <span style="font-size:8pt"> ... </span>

Some normal left to right text.

Right to left style defined in head of page:


<p style="rtl"><bdo dir="rtl">

Text to demonstrate right to left.

Some MORE text to demonstrate right to left.

The inline command: <p style="direction:rtl"><bdo dir=rtl;"> renders the text FROM the right margin of the page to the left; whereas the style as called from css does not.

In line span style: <span style="color:#69673d;">105, 103, 61</span>

<span style="color:red">red</span>, <span style="color:green">green</span>,
<span style="color:blue">blue</span>



Word spacing

Valor Blue: #03056f

There was a young man-never mind his name-it would only have to be changed to protect the innocent anyway. The young man's mother was often heard to say, "Discretion is the better part of valor." He would have liked to have considered himself a valorous person, but he was never quite clear as to what his mother meant. He was never around his father much, but enough of the old man had rubbed off...

The young man would often gaze up into the sky and look at the stars. He knew all of their names. He liked to imagine the dark night sky as a huge curtain of black velvet stretched across the planet and pierced with minuscule holes so as to allow light to pass through from some unguessed source. The young man would dwell upon how static and stationary the pin-pricks seemed, and yet he knew they were huge burning masses participating in seemingly fated dance some tens of thousands of light years away. And that around one such yellow star there hung a small parasite of a planet, held in a minuscule orbit, and being cast into darkness and burned with the light of day alter- nately in a continuous cycle. Being earthbound such revelries were rarely cheerful.

The second paragraph is formatted with an #id selector {word-spacing: -5px;} style statement, defined in the head section of this page, and placed in the document using <p id="ws-5">

Discovered "greater/less than" symbol: ≷ -- making a typo of: & g l

Using an id selector for letter spacing works the same way:

The young man kept to himself, telling himself that he preferred it that way. He knew in the depths of his heart that he was somehow unique. He believed that no one eles on the world felt things to the depth that he himself did.

The "ws10rqi" id selector used here between style tags, rather than a 'word space' class defined paragraph element (p.ws10rqi ...), enables the effect on only selected portions of a paragraph or sentence:

<span style id="ws10rqi">that he preferred it that way </span>

And then it chanced that the young man met a girl. Jennifer was her name and very beautiful he thought her. He spent a great deal of time just thinking of her, the stars above his head all but forgotten. Beyond visions of the serpent tree and sabbatical goat his thoughts became ever centered around this Jennifer. In silly poems he likened her unto fair bright gems, but he felt that in no mere mortal words could her beauty be discribed. Though he had hardly spoken to her he felt that she must be his equal in feelings and depth. And he determined that he must possess her.

#ls5rqi {letter-spacing: 5px; color:#3f6742;}

But when it came about the young man was greatly disappointed, for she cared nothing for the great dance of the stars, nor did she ever question the gods as to the reason for being.

    Filter effects are NOT supported in Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Toned down the value 'as found on w3schools Web site' filter list: blur from filter:blur (4px)
to (1px) in the paragraph declaration: <p class="blur" style="filter: blur(1px)">

A sentence to demonstrate simple HTML <sub>sub-text</sub> and <supertext>supertext</supertext> tags.

code5 | fonts & filters