RanQuist Animation


b3v.wmv; 320x240 pels, 2.37 MB
b3v.wmv; multimedia: 320x240 pels, 2.37 MB


Beyond the Three Veils, the first RanQuist Animation, was created using Animation Magician 1993-1994. Each frame was hand drawn with mouse. The animation was compiled in segments to Autodesk, low resolution, Flick (fli) format. These segments were scripted together using Sound Blaster's Multimedia Player, along with a midi file of Enya's Lothlorien downloaded from a library on AOL (America Online). The project was re-visited in 1997. The frames were converted to multimedia format, 320x240 pels, and written to Video for Windows (avi) format using Asymetric's Digital Video Producer. The midi sound track was replaced with a capture from Enya's Lothlorien.

The Video for Windows file is here converted to Windows Media Video using Windows Movie Maker. Enya's Lothlorien, from Shepherd's Moon 1991 is used without permission;(.

RanQuist.net > RanQuist Animation > Beyond the Three Veils