RanQuist Graphics w/logo

Zoltina w/Neomi HairAD: DAZ Victoria 2, StefyZZ's Yuma, Takezo3001's SSS alternative - Ambient Occlusion nodes per Face Off - SWAM's Neomi Hair, Gustaf Grefberg's (dynamic) Angel-dressV4, Malis & Lourdes' Valkyrie Sandals, Polmear's The Ancients necklace

Zolt NeomiHair Zolt NeomiHair 2 Zolt NeomiHair 3 Zolt NeomiHair 4
Screen captures from the Cloth Room simulation in progress

Griffin Rider: DAZ Victoria 2, Kristyn's Kara (dark elf), Kozaburo's Messy Hair, Tuesday's Rogue Earth, DAZ Viking Boots, AwFuL SouL's Body Strings, DAZ Halloween Jewelry, Paul Lessard's Griffin

Griffin Rider

Zoltina 2011: DAZ Victoria 2, StefyZZ's Yuma, DigiCalimero's WildHair, Motif's MOREWildHair -
Poser World's Candle Dress; DAZ/Anton's Olympians w/ Dave 71's VersaCloak; Tuesday's Rogue Air, AwFuL SouL's Body Strings

Zolt Bright Red Candal Dress Olympia Zoltina 2011

Claire Troubadour: DAZ Victoria 2, 3Dream's Ana, StefyZZ's Yuma eyes, Elizabeth Ippolito's WonderWedge Hair, (DAZ 3D), DAZ Victoria Period Dress, Tuesday's Rogue Air, PhilC's Leia Boots, Dave 71's VersaCloak, DAZ Lyre

Troubadour 1 Troubadour 2

Twilla Test: DAZ Victoria 2, ThorneWork's Sylfie texture, Danae's BlissVision Hair, Rose's Willow

Willow Test 5 Willow Test 7 Willow Test 8
Final Twilla version - Swam & Zachrael's Maroon Hair

Corvas Soft Lights -- tests with Clairanet Creshendo & Fifii Footpad:

Claire soft light Fifii soft light dark

Tanzia: DAZ Victoria 2, Kristyn's Kara (dark elf), Mairy, plus3d, 3Dream's Nabia Hair, Tuesday's Rogue Water, Traveler's Gothic Armor, AwFuL SouL's Battle Armor

Tanzia Nabia Hair Tanzia Nabia red Hair

Adult Landeea: DAZ Victoria 2, 3Dream's Ana, Bobbie25's Posh Hair, PoserWorld's WW Shirt, Pants & Boots, DAZ3D Archery Set

Landea Adult 1 Landea Adult 2 Landea Adult 4 Landea Adult 7


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